Monday, February 28, 2011

Berry Nut Blondies

I bought dried prunes a while back to help my son but we didn't eat them all and it was time for them to use up.  But what do you use dried prunes for?  So to the internet I went and found the Sunsweet site which has recipes that use prune puree as a sub for fat, just like applesauce.  So, I pureed my prunes and made Berry Nut Blondies.  The only change I made was to use only 1 1/2c brown sugar (not the 2 they say) and didn't ice them as I found them sweet enough on their own.  You don't taste the prune and they are so good I won't be able to make them too often or I will be tempted to eat the entire pan.  Another recipe to add to my favourites list!